Top Headhunters and Recruiters in Trinidad and Tobago

Exceptional Talent Recruitment in the Caribbean


Executive Recruitment Services in Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago is an island country located in the West Indies. It comprises two main islands (Trinidad and Tobago) and several smaller islands. The two main islands form the southernmost links in the Caribbean chain, lying close to the continent of South America.

Trinidad and Tobago is renowned for its unique blend of African and Indian heritage, reflected in its famous Carnival, Hosay, and Diwali festivals. The twin-island nation is also recognized as the birthplace of several cultural contributions, such as the limbo and steelpan instrument, and music genres such as calypso, rapso, and soca.

Out of all the nations in the Caribbean region, Trinidad and Tobago is one of the wealthiest and most developed. This is partly due to the country’s substantial oil and natural gas reserves, making it unlike most other Caribbean nations and territories, which rely heavily on tourism as their main source of income. However, the government has started to put more emphasis on diversifying the economy in recent years, with more efforts to grow the tourism sector.

Historically, agricultural production dominated the economy, but this sector saw a marked decline after a disastrous hurricane swept through the area in 1963. Today, sugar cane is the most important crop for Trinidad, earning the most income and employing a large number of people. Cocoa is the second-most valuable, even covering larger areas than sugar cane. Most farmers who grow cocoa export it to countries that cannot produce it themselves. Other agricultural products include citrus fruits, coconuts, rice, poultry, and vegetables.

Manufacturing is another important industry, with chemicals, iron, and steel products being shipped to other nations in the Caribbean.

Keller is a stellar executive search and recruitment firm with a global presence in Trinidad and Tobago. We deliver outstanding talent to businesses in a broad range of industries, helping them get access to the most suitable candidates in the least amount of time. We also support businesses with additional services that go beyond just hiring and recruitment, such as talent management, leadership development, succession planning, ESG and DEI consulting, psychometric assessments, and more.

Our Recruitment Process


While traditional transactional recruitment firms find candidates who answer advertisements or are in databases, our method is different. We build relationships with all kinds of talented individuals, which allows us to find the best candidates, even those not actively in the job market.

We reach out to top candidates we know or who others recommend, putting us in touch with talent that doesn’t respond to ads or social media. We also work with other hiring firms to find more professionals. Our goal is to foster long-lasting relationships by adjusting our methods to fit your recruitment needs. This strategy has garnered us international recognition and has allowed us to secure top talent for even the most senior roles at our client companies.

At the beginning of the executive search process, our consultants meet with the key decision-makers and business leaders at our client’s organization to establish what to look for in potential candidates. We use the information they give us to develop a candidate profile that matches the requirements of the position we are recruiting for, helping guide our search.

Following the completion of this initial step, our consultants leverage our state-of-the-art recruiting software to conduct searches across location, education, experience, and skills to identify candidates for the job. We use off-the-cuff references on all candidates prior to shortlisting and a rigorous screening process to ascertain which ones are best suited to the role and company culture.

Candidates who meet all the requirements and pass our reference checks are presented to our client for final interviews.

Our Expertise


Industries We Serve

Keller has the ability to find, attract, screen, and secure the right leaders and employees for clients in a variety of sectors, such as:

  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Finance
  • Fishing
  • Food and Beverage Processing
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and Gas
  • Petrochemicals
  • Renewable Energy
  • Tourism
  • Transportation and Logistics

Roles We Fill

While our main focus is finding suitable candidates for high-level positions, our recruitment services extend to roles below the C-suite, including upper management positions, department heads, senior technical specialists or subject matter experts, and mid-level management roles.

We can also help businesses acquire executives for temporary or interim management positions, such as during a leadership transition or a specific project. Here are some of the most common mid to senior roles we find placements for in Trinidad and Tobago:

  • Business Development Executive
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Director of Marketing
  • Head of Human Resources
  • Financial Controller
  • Logistics Coordinator
  • Operations Manager
  • Plant Superintendent
  • Production Manager
  • Quality Assurance Manager
  • Quality Control Supervisor
  • Senior Project Coordinator

Why Choose Keller for Executive Recruitment in Trinidad and Tobago?


Human talent is invariably one of the major contributors to business success, especially in addressing new challenges and remaining competitive in today’s constantly evolving market. No executive search and recruitment firm understands this better than ours. Consequently, our team of recruiters is dedicated to finding high-quality candidates who align with our clients’ business vision and values.

Our recruitment methodology has been developed and refined by our team with over twenty years of collective experience. Their extensive expertise in local industry dynamics means we have an excellent grasp of a broad range of industries and functions. Additionally, our vast network and state-of-the-art recruitment technology allow us to reach professionals who would be otherwise inaccessible, including both local and international candidates.

Keller also prioritizes hiring a diverse workforce since we know the benefits multiple perspectives can bring to a company. This means we follow an unbiased and impartial approach to candidate selection, reserving judgment based on a candidate’s age, gender, religion, or racial identity to ensure a fair process.

Finally, our team never discloses private or personal information to third parties, safeguarding the safety and security of our clients and candidates. We also offer a 90-day guarantee on all our placements in case one of the people we recommend does not live up to client expectations or resigns before the end of their three-month probation.

Overall, Keller is a true partner in executive search and recruitment, helping our clients access the human resources they need for their companies to expand and thrive.

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